2millionStickers is a project to encourage voting in swing states using nice words and beautiful designs.
the project
The idea for The 2millionStickers Project came to me when I noticed that the dogs I know don't seem to be partisan.
They seemed to respond more favorably to the humans in their life that respond most gently to them. It made me wonder why don't we treat each other more gently? We do it before joyous holidays or when someone suffers the loss of a loved one. This shows that we have the capacity.
Around the same time I began to see signs expressing the idea of being kind.
This observation begged the question: What if disaffected and intermittent voters were approached nicely in a nonpartisan way? Would they be more willing to engage again or for the first time?
2million Stickers is a way to say to disaffected and intermittent voters, especially those in swing states who have an outsized role, "Vote. You make the difference."
the stickers
I am seeding this effort by printing and distributing 10,000 stickers.
I just need 199 more people to do the same or some other combination of people and stickers.
Why 2 million?
I estimate that each sticker will be displayed and seen an average of 3 times. These 6 million impressions should yield 60,000 swing state votes given typical conversion rates for similar promotions.
Imagine if the winning margin is decided by kind people?
Once you print and distribute the stickers, email us to let us keep track of our progress. Even if you don't have access to swing states, every sticker helps because it spreads the idea and turns prospective voters into actual voters.
Thank you for engaging in The 2millionStickers Project!
The file [PDF] is free to download and can be printed on your printer using Avery 25395 or 5395 Name Badge stickers (2 1/3" x 3 3/8"), usually available at your local superstore or office supply store.
You can also download a single sticker [jpg].
let’s do this
2millionStickers has other features, too. Stickers are fun, and keeping busy is good! Think of it as pre-election self-care! Display the sticker on your laptop, water bottle, or vehicle.
Let's get kind, busy people to the polls in droves.
Voter turnout has increased recently but it still has room to grow. We especially need intermittent voters this time. Let kindness be the October surprise!
Please consider supporting The 2millionStickers Project.